Sunday 26 January 2014

Book Haul (#75)


Hope you're having a kickass month and that you've all enjoyed the start to 2014. I can't believe how fast time is passing. It's all too much sometimes, isn't it? *Sigh* Life is passing us by!! WE'VE GOT TO PUT DOWN OUR BOOKS AND TRY TO GO OUTSIDE AND LIVE OUR LIVES!!! 

Joking. We have awesome lives inside of books anyway.

This week I borrowed and bought:
Just One Year (Just One Day, #2)Perfect Ruin (Internment Chronicles, #1)
Just One Year (Just One Day #2) by Gayle Forman - Borrowed -
I really enjoyed Just One Day and the ending broke my heart. I'm reading this book now but I'm just desperate to find out how it all ends.
Perfect Ruin (The Internment Chronicles #1) by Lauren DeStefano - Borrowed -
I thought that DeStefano's Wither was pretty cool and it had an interesting concept, but this just sounds so awesome. A FLOATING CITY???? Yes. Yes, please.
Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer - Bought -
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer - Bought -
I adore this series so far and I'm waiting impatiently for the next installment: Cress.
Things I Can't Forget
Things I Can't Forget (Hundred Oaks #3) by Miranda Kenneally - Bought -
I've read both Catching Jordan and Stealing Parker and thought they're both pretty good. So why not read the whole series, aye?

Leave a link to your Book Haul/Stacking the Shelves/In My Mailbox/Letterbox Love/Showcase Sunday in the comments so I can check it out!

Thank you for visiting and enjoy all your books,
Sam :)


  1. Loved Cinder and Scarlet and have got Perfect Ruin but haven't read it yet.....

    Happy Reading!

    Do check out my haul here

    Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex

  2. Aye, time does seem to pass quickly. Great haul this week. I really, really need to catch up on the Lunar Chronicles before Cress releases though I doubt I will, sigh.
    My Weekly Wrap Up

  3. Oooo, Cinder and Scarlet! I read Cinder and really liked it, but then I never read Scarlet. So, I'm not like, over the moon excited for Cress or Winter. I also read Perfect Ruin, and unlike the entire blogosphere, I was not a fan. My review was a teensy bit sarcastic at times. Sigh. I hope you enjoy that one more than I did! :)

    Have an awesome week, Sam!

    Check out my STS post!

  4. I absolutely loved Cinder and Scarlet and I'm desperately awaiting my copy of Cress!! I'm still debating on whether or not I'll eventually pick up Perfect Ruin. I've heard lots of good things about it, but I just couldn't get into her previous trilogy. I'm curious to hear what you think of it! Anyways, great haul Sam! I hope you enjoy all your pretty new books, and have a wonderful week!! :)

    xo, Becca
    My StS

  5. LOVED Perfect Ruin. I just love the way Lauren writes. Enjoy Cinder and Scarlet (I just finished Scarlet last week and will be starting my copy of Cress this week). Love this series! Enjoy your books!
    My STS:
