Tuesday 5 February 2013

Gayle Forman Giveaway

I recently reviewed Gayle Forman's new novel Just One Day. If you've read my review, you will know that I completely loved it. Not only is it as good as If I Stay and Where She Went, it also shines in it's own way. The book was utterly unique and I cherished every page.

You can read my review of her books by clicking one of the links below:
Since some have yet to read any of Gayle's books, I've decided to host a giveaway for one person to win one of her books. You can pick If I Stay, Where She Went or Just One Day
If I StayWhere She Went (If I Stay, #2)
Just One Day (Just One Day, #1)
This giveaway is international as long as The Book Depository ships to your country. FIll out the rafflecopter below.
Winner: Hailey P.
She picked Just One Day!
Have a good day,
Sam :)


  1. I would choose If I Stay because (total shame moment, right here) I haven't managed to get my hands on it yet, despite being recommended it dozens of times!

  2. i would pick either if i stay or just one day because there are book1 and i haven't read this author before ^^ ( stil unsure as which oen yet though)

    thank you a lot

  3. I'd choose If I stay, for people talk about it a lot and I did not read it yet =]

    Thanks so much for the giveaway =]]]

  4. I'd love If I Stay because 1) I feel like everyone has read it but me and 2) I just read and LOVED Just One Day and want to read the rest of Gayle Forman's books! Thank you for the giveaway. :)

  5. I would choose just one day... I don't want to read about death, and I think If I Stay deals with it... so I go with Just One Day

  6. I would choose just one day because I've read and loved the others so I definitely need to read the new one : )

  7. I would choose Just One Day as I've read If I Stay & Where She Went and adored them both, the writing is amazing!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Since I've already read and actually own If I Stay and Where She Went, I would definitely choose Just One Day. I love Gayle Forman's writing so I have no doubt this is one awesome book as well.
    Thanks for a giveaway! :)

  9. I'd get Just One Day because I have the other two and I loved them and I really want Just One Day.

  10. I loved If I Stay and Where She Went! I read them both a couple of times now and I'm not yet tired of it. I would love to win Just One Day! Thanks for the chance! :))

  11. Just One Day because I haven't read it! Thank you!

  12. I haven't read anything by her, so I'd be up for anything really :P I think, though, I'd probably choose If I Stay, because it's the one I know about the best.

  13. I'd probably pick Just One Day cause I already own and read the other two books:)
    Thanks for the giveaway! And for making it international:)

  14. Just One Day. I love Paris and romance and these two. A really fun book.

  15. I would chose Just One Day since it is the most anticipated book read, and I have never read any other books of Gale Forman.

  16. I would definately pick Just one day, because I read and loved If I Stay and Where She Went and I fell in love Gayle´s writing! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  17. I would choose Where She Went because Adam. Enough said.

  18. Where she went, because I loved the first one. Thanks!!! :)

  19. I would love to pick Just One Day because I've read If I Stay and Where She Went. And I love the previous series so I'm so anticipating the next too

  20. If I stay :) I like the sound of that book.

  21. i would pick either if i stay or just one day because there are book1 and i haven't read this author before ^^ ( stil unsure as which oen yet though)

    thank you a lot

  22. I would pick If I Stay because I've read Just One Day and I loved it!

  23. I'd choose Just One Day. It seems like the kind of books I'd normally go for. Plus, nearly every review I've read for it has given it 5 stars.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    The Teen Reader

  24. I'd love to read Just One Day. I have it on my to-read list and I'm really excited about it. I've read some very emotional reviews about the book and I really want to read it! Thanks for the great giveaway!

    1. Okay I just read your reviews of the other two books and I chanced my mind. I'd love to win If I Stay!

  25. Just One Day because I don't read it yet!
    Thank you!

  26. I would probably choose if I stay.

    Awesome giveaway!!

    Have a great day

    1. I would choose this one because lots of friends say it is awesome.

  27. I'd pick If I Stay or Just One Day because I've head so many great things about them.

  28. I've read If I Stay and Where She Went so I would go with Just One Day. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Erin K.

  29. I would love to be able to read Just One Day, because I think that it is a book I would absolutely fall in love with. I've read her previous two books and absolutely enjoyed them. She has the most striking writing.

  30. I would choose "Just One Day." I've heard so many good things about that booK!

  31. I would choose If I Stay, because I've been hearing about it forever and it sounds wonderful!!

  32. I would pick Where She Went. That book was so good.

  33. Just one day because I have already read Where she went.

  34. I have read Sisters in Sanity, If I Stay, and Where She Went..so im looking forward to Just One Day.. All 3 that i have read were really really good- very emotional too- i cried in all 3!!.. thanks for the giveaway!!!

  35. I already have If I stay and Where She Went and LOVED them so I would choose Just One Day.

  36. All of them! I didn´t read anyone!

  37. I would choose Where She Went because I have If I Stay and the both sound so good!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. Just One day...looks really good.


  39. I would have to choose If I Stay because this will be the first time I've read the series (despite being told I NEED to read it by two or three friends!)

  40. Probably Just One Day, because I've read If I Stay before :)

  41. i would choose If I Stay, cause i just need to have it, i read it and loved so i just have to have it, own it and love it :)

  42. I would choose If I Stay! Thank you for the hance to win!

  43. I'd love to read Just One Day, heard nothing but good things about it! :)

  44. I'd love Where She Went

  45. I'd choose If I Stay because I would love to read it again :) thanks for the giveaway!

  46. I'd love to win If I stay, because I heard it was a great book and now it will be make into a movie.

  47. If I Stay looks great. One day that will change everything in a person's life? That would ring a bell with anyone. And romance thrown in. Can't beat that:)

    cc_clubbs at yahoo dot com

  48. I would like If I Stay. I have been wanting to read it for awhile and have heard great things about it.

  49. Just One Day. I read the other two, and they were amazing. I'm looking forward to reading her newest book. I heard it's just as good as the other two! (:

  50. I would love to read Just One Day, it's on my TBR list!

  51. I would pick If I Stay since it has already been recommended to me dozens of times and I still haven't got a copy

  52. If I Stay because there has been so much said about it - mostly good - and I'm dying to know why :D

  53. I still haven't read her books yet, so i don't know.

  54. I would choose Where She Went or Just One Day. I already own If I Stay and I've been wanting to read her other books!

  55. I would like to read If I Stay. It sounds so emotional.

  56. Just One Day. The story sounds interesting and I really like that cover :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  57. Just One Day because I've already read and loved the other two. Thank you!

  58. Just One Day. I already read the other two and ready enjoyed them.


  59. I would choose If I Stay, it sounds amazing!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  60. where she went..because i love the cover :)
    thx u

  61. I would love to read Just One Day because I've heard really good things about it. Thank you for the giveaway :)

  62. I'd love to read Just One Day because I like the setting of it and it's sounds like an amazing book. Thank you. :)

  63. Just one day beacuse i have read the other two.

  64. Wow! just so wanting the books now! Thank's for the reviews then. I had eagerly wanting to read the book One day but when I saw the the other book "If I Stay" I am more dying to have it, too! Awesome books for giveaway! Thank you very much! I am hoping I will be chosen to have a chance on having one of those. ^_^

  65. I'd choose If I Stay because it's been on my list of books-to-buy for a very long time now and I MUST read it now. :))

  66. Just One Day
    'cause the story looks interesting

  67. I already have If I Stay, so I'd probably choose Where She Went. Or maybe Just One Day, but I've already read that one.

  68. I'd go for Just One Day because I absolutely adored If I Stay and Where She Went. Gayle Forman's writing is just stunning. Thanks for the fab giveaway! :)

  69. I would choose where she went! I recently read if I stay and really liked that book! Now I can't wait to read the next one!

  70. I would probably pick If I stay. My sister-in-law ran off with my copy.

  71. I am just DYING to read Just One Day bcause I've heard a lot of great things about it. Fell in love with the summary the first time I've read it too! :)

  72. I'd like to read Just One Day, ever since I saw the cover it was like insta-love, and then reading the synopsis and reviews on it, I knew I had to read it. I'm sure it's awesome.

  73. Either If I Stay or Just One Day! I really can't make up my mind :P hehe love the gif of the baby btw :) Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  74. I would like Just One Day 'cause I've heard wonderful things about it!
    Penny Pe

  75. I would choose Just One Day, because I have heard that it is amazing.

  76. I would choose Just One Day as I've read some great reviews of it :)

  77. Just One Day, I've read the other two books and loved them both.

  78. I would love to read Just One Day. It sounds amazing.

  79. I just have to say that baby gif is the cutest thing ever <3

  80. Just One Day. because I have read the other two

  81. Tough choice! I haven't read all of them but I think I'd love to win Just One Day. The blurb sounds intriguing :)

  82. My copy of If I Stay is on the way so I'd pick Where She Went!! Please!!

    Thanks lots!

    raffle name: Nikki O

  83. I'd love to win If I Stay :D I've read the reviews everywhere, and they all said that it was amazing. My friend also have recommended this book for me once. Thanks for the chance to win :D
