Welcome back to another Let's Talk post, and I'm here today to discuss the Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters teaser trailer released just not long ago!
I absolutely ADORE the Vampire Academy series, and I'm an even bigger fan of the Bloodlines series, but for some reason, this trailer just doesn't do it for me.
Now, I'm not the only one who thinks this. I have read a lot of mixed things. Some are in love with what the trailer shows of the movie, but some are not too keen.
I am one of those people, I'm afraid. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely going to at the cinema on Valentine's day watching this because... How could I not want to? I love VA. But that doesn't mean I'll hold the excitement for it like I did for The Hunger Games and City of Bones.

First off, I don't think the trailer leaves a very good first impression with those who have not read the books. It shows a Mean Girls type high school with a lot of hormonal vampires. People are branding this as a cross between Twilight and Mean Girls, when in reality VA is so much more than that!

I know the first book in the VA series is a lot lighter that the others because not much of the politics and strigoi issues have been properly introduced, but I hope that non-readers who have watched the teaser trailer don't find it unoriginal. VA is DEFINITELY not unoriginal!
When I was watching the teaser and saw the girls walking into the hall, all I could think was "Mean Girls", and then all the hormonal teenagers "Vampire Diaries", and of course, how could "Twilight" not cross my mind? Is this what's running through the viewers mind?
I completely understand that this is the teaser trailer, and it isn't meant to make complete sense, nor show everything... I just wish it put VA in a better light. Most likely the real trailer is going to be SO much better. But I wish, I WISH, that this teaser trailer had stirred some kind of excitement within me, because that's what teaser trailers are meant to do, right? Leave you wanting more? Well, I'm left wanting to know where that 1 minute and 19 seconds has gone from my life.
I would like to congratulate the casting directors though! They have done a wonderful job. The actors all look brill as each of the characters! And I adore the music that they used to bring in the girls... Very sassy! The action scenes look pretty good and I'm sure the movie holds plenty of romance; especially Rose + Dimitri moments that will make us swoooon.
There are obviously plenty of you out there who adore the what the teaser shows. And please don't hate me for voicing my own opinion on it because I'm crazy about VA; the trailer just didn't show me what I wanted to see. I feel so bad about saying negative things... I'm sorry guys! I'M STILL A HARDCORE VA FAN OKAY THIS TEASER TRAILER HAS CHANGED NOTHING.

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to seeing more stills of the movie and also the FULL trailer because I'm hoping that it will portray the movie in a better way. A kickass, dangerous and exciting way!
Feel free to leave comments on what you think. I would love to read about what you like/dislike about the teaser trailer.
Much love to you all,
Sam :)
I am so glad you posted this. I absolutely love, love, love VA, and I was feeling disappointed that the trailer didn't make me giddy and excited like what the HG trailer actually did for me after reading that series. You summed up things perfectly and had me thinking, "Exactly!" For me, It just doesn't exhibit the depth of the actual plot. I hope that people not familiar with the series don't write it off because it seems like a teeny-bopper movie with some vampire stuff thrown in. Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised with the extended trailer later on. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that there are people who share my views! I know what you mean, I was so hyped for The Hunger Games, and the teaser trailer for Catching Fire was brilliant.
DeleteI definitely hope we will both be happy with the proper trailer when it's out!
Thank you for your comment. :D
I felt the exact same way. I was expecting something darker and more along the lines of The Hunger Games and TMI trailers. I'm still very looking forward to seeing the movie though because I love this series.
ReplyDeleteI was expecting darker too. There is definitely a Mean Girls vibe in the school scene! I'm hoping for good things from the movie because I love the book series! :)
ReplyDeleteI was also expecting something a bit darker. It just seems to have left me feeling like this isn't going to be as good as I think.
ReplyDeleteThis trailer made the movie look like a joke. Compared to TMI, HG and Divergent it just looks poorly done. The books have some comic relief with wit and rebellious teenagers in a high school setting but come on! Hopefully the movie is edgier and not Mean Girls meets Twilight.