I hope you are all doing brilliantly! It's been tough lately because exams are now hitting me full swing so I won't be posting a lot apart from my usual WoW posts. I promise there will be more reviews in the near future, I just need to get past these GCSEs.
These past few weeks, I have received:

Thank you, Bloomsbury! I am a good half way through and I am loving the premise. It's about a boy who is allergic to electricity and a boy who was born without eyes. Cool as.
Made for You by Melissa Marr - Received -
Thank you, Harpercollins! I have not read anything by Melissa Marr since her Wicked Lovely series and I'm looking forward to delve back into her writing.

Thank you, Hachette Children's Books! This is a murder mystery/psychological thriller and I don't think I've ever read anything like it so I'm pumped for this one.
Leave a link to your Book Haul/Letterbox Love/In My Mailbox/Showcase Sunday/Stacking the Shelves in the comments below so I can check it out!
Enjoy all your books,
Sam :)
I really want to read Because You'll Never Meet Me! You're lucky you got a copy!