
This is a weekly bookish meme is hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.
To participate you:
* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
(Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)

third book in the Benedict series. If you haven't read the first two books then this probably won't make sense, but for those who HAVE read Finding Sky and Stealing Phoenix, enjoy.......
"'My God, it's you! I can hear you in my mind!' Diamond gazed up at her saviour as if he was Christmas day and all her birthdays rolled into one. If I dipped into my Savant sight I could see all her swirling space junk was now centred on him, like a magnet dragging iron filings.
'Yes, it really is me.' Then, without another word being exchanged, he gathered her in his arms and kissed her.
Wow. I didn't now if to applaud or laugh, It was like watching some really clichéd romantic film -- love at first sight -- impromptu embrace like that famous photo of the sailor kissing the nurse on VJ Day in Times Square.
Jealous much? Of course I was.
Finally, they broke apart.
'Who are you?' At last my sister had the sense to remember they hadn't even been introduced."
If you haven't heard of this series before then I think you should really click this link to Goodreads for Finding Sky.
Click HERE for more Seeking Crystal teasers!
Until next time,
Sam :)
Love the author's way with words. Didn't know about this series. Will press the Goodreads button.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of this series, but I will definitely check it out!!! :)
ReplyDeleteMy Teaser Tuesday is Here!!
Finding sky....that's a really interesting name! Great teaser!
The teaser is just too funny, I am so in love with it already!
ReplyDeleteOmg it's kiss your love-at-first-site day, who's gonna join?!
The teaser is just too funny, I am so in love with it already!
ReplyDeleteOmg it's kiss your love-at-first-site day, who's gonna join?!
Can you please give away another teaser of Seeking Crystal(? <3), 'm begging you it's too good <3 <3 <3!
I have a omg-cant-wait-'till- the -realese feeling. I read the other books in this series. 1st one finished in 2 days and the 2nd one in one day. That should tell you how much those books suck u in! Cant wait till the realese... I know that Zed is with sky, yeves with phee, crystal will be with xav, but im just wandering who will be diamond's soulfinder! Probably will, but then im thinking it might be victor. But sticking to the logic it goes backwards - zed, yeves, xav, will, victir, uriel and trac. Im hoping the author will make a book for each of the benedict boy ^_~
ReplyDeleteLove this series and read the first two books in a day! I read loads yet i'll never get used to having to wait for the books to come out. OMG. I can't wait and does anyone know who diamonds soalfinder is?
ReplyDeleteI have a question... how'd you get your hand on Seeking Crystal before it's released? :)
ReplyDeletei have read all the books and are in love with them - sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!